電気自動車(EV)やプラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)には大容量の蓄電池が搭載されています.駐車中は次の走行に向けて充電をしますが,逆に電力に余裕があるときは放電して建物内の家電機器の電力消費に当てることができます.賢く車載蓄電池の充電と放電(充放電)を制御することにより,建物のエネルギー(電力)を賢く制御することができます.エネルギー管理システム(Energy management system: EMS)にとって,EVやPHVは有望なエネルギーバッファとなるのです.
稲垣研究室では,「1. 観測」「2. 予測」「3. 計画」を繰り返して車載蓄電池の充放電を制御する,モデル予測型EMSを研究しています.
Electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs) are equipped with large-capacity storage batteries. While parked, the batteries are recharged for the next run, but when there is a surplus of power, the batteries can be discharged to be used for power consumption by home appliances in the building. Smartly controlling the charging and discharging of on-board storage batteries enables the building's electric power to be efficiently controlled. EVs and PHVs are promising energy buffers for energy management systems (EMS).
Inagaki Laboratory is studying a model predictive EMS that controls the charge and discharge of on-board storage batteries through a series of "1. observation," "2. prediction," and "3. planning.
モデル予測型EMSの流れ:1. 現在の消費・発電電力,車の使用状況を観測し,2. 予測モデルを使ってそれらを24時間先まで予測,3. 予測したパターンを使って電気代が最小になるように24時間先までの充放電量を最適化計算する.そして,計画にしたがって充放電を制御し30分経ったら,また1. 観測から繰り返す.これにより,状況の変化に適応するEMSを実現することができる.
Model Predictive EMS: 1. observe current power consumption and generation, and vehicle usage; 2. predict these conditions for the next 24 hours by using prediction models; 3. calculate the amount of charge and discharge for the next 24 hours to minimize electricity costs using the predicted patterns. The system then controls charging and discharging according to the plan, and after 30 minutes, repeats the process from observation 1. In this way, it is possible to realize an EMS that adapts to changing conditions.
EVs and PHVs can be regarded as large mobile storage batteries. We are also conducting research on integrated management of vehicle-mounted storage batteries for EVs and PHVs that move around the community to manage the energy of the entire region. Integrated management of vehicle-mounted storage batteries requires coordinated control of recharge and discharge among building EMSs. In this research, we are developing a model predictive EMS that includes coordination between EMSs, as well as a method for automatically calculating the electricity bill for power exchanged between EVs and PHVs and the building.